Monday, October 10, 2011

To Remove Acne Marks

Important! Always consult your doctor before trying these or any home remedies. "Natural" does not mean it is safe for everybody.
To eliminate acne marks: Apply rosehip oil.
To remove acne blemishes: Mix one tablespoon of coconut oil with a teaspoon of turmeric, an Oriental spice found on most supermarkets. Apply every day directly to the blemish. This remedy is very effective at removing acne marks.

Another recipe to remove acne marks: Melt a piece of jaggery or brown sugar in boiling water trying to make it a bit thick but not much. Add a few drops of lemon if you have oily skin or a few drops of olive oil if you have dry skin. Let the mixture cool and apply it to the affected area.

To relieve the redness around the pimple, apply EyeMo drops every ten minutes for an hour.

Homeopathy for Acne:

This homeopathic remedy temporarily treats symptoms of acne vulgaris including blackheads on the face and body. Available here
Acne Gel: This gel is formulated with Gotu kola, tea tree oil, witch hazel and other herbs especially chosen for their acne-fighting properties.  Available here

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