Monday, October 10, 2011

Natural Anti-Acne Lotions

Important! Always consult your doctor before trying these or any home remedies. "Natural" does not mean it is safe for everybody.
Carrot lotion acne-fighting remedy : In a jar, place 4 small sliced carrots, 14 tablespoons of alcohol, 6 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and lemon juice. Cover the jar and shake it. Let stand for one day. Then apply with a cotton swab daily or as tolerated since this lotion is a bit strong.
Guava leaves lotion to combat acne: Place guava leaves in boiling water until they release their substance. Cool and apply with a cotton swab every night.

Apple cider vinegar: To restore the acid balance of the skin andprevent the onset of pimples, mix 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of distilled water and applied with a cotton swab.
Witch hazel: This is an excellent natural lotion to combat acne. It can be found on most stores in the first aid aisle, next to the alcohol. Just apply to the affected area with a cotton swab.
Raspberry leaf lotion: Place three tablespoons of dried raspberry leaves in four cups of boiling water. Stir and let cool. Wash your face every day with this lotion.
parsley lotion to combat acneParsley lotion: Boil 1 sprig fresh parsley in a glass of water. Let it cool and strain. Soak a cloth in the solution. Place the cloth so as to cover the entire face and let it work for 10 minutes. Repeat this remedy daily.
Aspirin lotion to fight acne:Dissolve an aspirin in a little water. Soak a cotton swab into the solution and apply directly to the affected area.

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