Monday, October 10, 2011

Home Remedies for Cellulite and Stretch Marks

To Fade Stretch Marks

Stretch marks reducing cream: 100 fresh dandelion leaves, 1/2 liter of water, 1/2 glass aloe vera gel juice, 7 drops of rosehip oil, oatmeal (enough so that the mixture becomes creamy). Boil the dandelion leaves in the liter of water, for 10 minutes, and let it stand. In a tall container, pour dandelion water and add the aloe vera juice, rosehip oil, and oatmeal. Blend in the blender. Apply the cream to the stretch marks and let it work for at least one hour. Wash with lukewarm water. Do this treatment at least 5 times a week. For best results, after washing, give yourself a massage with cocoa butter or wheat germ oil.
aguacateAvocado cream: Mix the flesh of half an avocado with one tablespoon of lemon and one of honey. Apply the mixture to the stretch marks every day with a circular motion.
Carrot paste: Steam some carrots until they are soft. Make a puree with them, and apply it to the affected area. Let it work for half an hour and rinse with cold water. Hot water is very bad for stretch marks since it stretches the skin.
Stretch marks on the breasts: 1/2 lemon rind and 1 egg yolk. Shred lemon rind in the blender and add the egg yolk. Stir well. Apply the mixture freshly made. Cover the breasts and let it work for several minutes. For best results you can toggle between this treatment and the previous one.
Flaxseed oil: Apply flaxseed oil to the affected area at least 3 times a week. This remedy really helps with old stretch marks.
Sage cream: Mix one cup of sage oil, 5 tablespoons of wheat germ oil and two tablespoons of melted lanolin. Heat over hot water, remove and let it cool. Massage the affected area with the cream before bedtime.

To reduce cellulite

Corn oil: 1 cup corn oil, ½ cup of grapefruit (pomelo) juice, and 2 teaspoons dried thyme. Make a mixture of all ingredients and use it to massage the affected areas. Cover legs with the wrapping film used to cover meals. Leave it on for an hour.
Ivy mix for cellulite: 
Ingredients: 1 bowl with hot water, 1 handful of ivy leaves, 20 drops of chamomile essence.
Preparation and use: Crush the ivy and spread with the essence of chamomile on a bandage.Rub the affected area with hot water and a horsehair glove. Dry skin and apply the mixture bandaging with gauze and securing with tape. Leave it on for 3 or 4 hours. Repeat treatment 2 or 3 times a week.
Vacuum therapy: Rub the affected area with baby oil. Using a hand vacuum, give yourself a massage sucking the affected area 4 or 5 times a week.
Shavegrass tea: To attack cellulite from within, drink three cups of shave grass tea a day.
Coffee residue: Rub the affected area with a horsehair glove and water until the skin is red. Then take a handful of coffee residue (coffee left in the filter) and apply in a circular motion. Clean the area with warm water and soap..
Oatmeal and seaweed soap: Every day, wash the area with oatmeal soap, rinse, and wash with seaweed soap in circular a motion. You will see results in about 3 weeks.
Coconut oil and lime: Mix 6 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of lime oil, and 1 tablespoon of grapefruit juice. Wet a hairskin glove in the solution and massage the affected area three times a week.
Ivy bath: Make an ivy infusion by boiling 4 tablespoons dried ivy leaves in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Let the solution stand for half an hour and strain. Add infusion to the bath water and stay in the tub for 15 minutes. Then give yourself a massage on the affected area with lemon or orange essential oil.
Prevention: If you are thinking of starting a diet to lose weight, do not forget to exercise and massage the areas prone to stretch marks with cocoa butter.

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